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The 10 Best
Free Plugins for After Effects

In this Article I list my 10 favorite and Free Plugins for After Effects.



Features, that should actually be included in After Effects

Color Vibrance

Color Vibrance is made, to Colorized and Edit Light Effects like Shockwaves, Spotlight, Flashes or anything Else.

It is comparable with the Colorize Effect of Omino, but with more options.

Ease Copy

Copy my Flow

FX Console

“You will perform”

Quick Chromatic Aberration 3


Create a Star Wars Movie!

This After Effects Plugin is made, to create a Laser sword Effect. But it can be used in a wide variety of Scenarios.
What it does, it Adds a highly customizable Lasersword kind effect to any line you want to apply it to.

Motion Tools Pro

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