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Create a Star Wars Movie!

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This After Effects Plugin is made, to create a Laser sword Effect. But it can be used in a wide variety of Scenarios.

What it does, it Adds a highly customizable Lasersword kind effect to any line you want to apply it to.

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Omino Concist out of 8 simple but usefull Tools

Omino Snake

Snake is the most Popular Tools of the Omino Suit.

It enables you, to move objects along a Curve.

Which can be usefull if you want to animate a Snake for Example hints the Name.

Also my Logo was animated using Omino Snake, to get this burshstroke look instead of a clean straight cut as I would be getting by using the Trim Path Tool.

Omino Colorizer

Omino Kaleidoscope

Omino diffusion

Omino Feedback

Omino Squares

Omino Spheremap

Omino Halftone++

FX Console

“You will perform”

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Ease Copy

Copy my Flow

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Quick Chromatic Aberration 3

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