CGI Articles

  • Published On: February 13, 2021

    Every year around the time of new year, articles about design trends are popping up. I wanted to do something different and list up trends or movements of which I believe they will stay for way longer than a year which is in my option much more useful information, because it enables you, to learn new things which are relevant long term.

  • Published On: January 31, 2021

    Make a research about Lenses which lenses are existing and what are they getting used for. If you are making an animation of a Landscape for example your focal length is maybe 12 mm which is the lens with the shortest focal length that ARRI offers. If you are making an animation of something which is supposed to look far away like an airplane, a rocket, a car, or something else maybe you should use something like 155 mm or 280 mm which is the biggest focal length you can find on an ARRI lens. If you use values far above or below that it will look a bit weird because such lenses don’t exist humans will subconsciously see, that there is something off.

  • Published On: July 12, 2019

    I don’t know, if I am the only person doing this, but sometimes I wake up thinking well, maybe Blender isn’t the right thing for me anymore. Then I browse the web, watching at the features of Maya, Arnold and others for hours but at the end I always come to the conclusion, that Blender is still the right choice for me. And I think that I am not the only one who sometimes think like this. Not only professionals, but especially beginners who want to become better and think about maybe working as 3D artist one day can be insecure when it comes to this topic.